#include "svg.h"
#include "blop_bookkeeper.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace blop
void svg::open(const var &filename)
filename1_ = filename.str();
filename2_ = blop_bookkeeper::tmpfile("svg-XXXXXX");
svg::svg(const var &filename, double width, double height)
: width_(width), height_(height)
svg::svg(const svg &rhs)
cerr<<"This should not be called"<<endl;
int svg::newlength()
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::overwrite(int i, double f1,const terminal::id &i1)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::overwrite(int id,
double f1,const terminal::id &i1,
double f2,const terminal::id &i2)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::lincombi(double_id f,const terminal::id &i)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::lincombi(double_id f1,const terminal::id &i1,
double_id f2,const terminal::id &i2)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::lincombi(const std::vector<double> &f,
const std::vector<blop::terminal::id> &id)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::maxlength(const std::vector<blop::terminal::id> &id)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::minlength(const std::vector<blop::terminal::id> &id)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::textwidth (const string &,double angle)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::textheight(const string &,double angle)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::textlheight(const string &,double angle)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::textsize (const string &,double angle)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::max_textwidth (const std::vector<std::string>&)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::max_textheight(const std::vector<std::string>&)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::max_textlheight(const std::vector<std::string>&)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
void svg::write_header_()
file1_<<"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>"<<endl;
file1_<<"<!-- Created with blop (http:
file1_<<" xmlns:svg=\"http:
file1_<<" xmlns=\"http:
file1_<<" version=\"1.0\""<<endl;
file1_<<" width=\""<<width_<<"\""<<endl;
file1_<<" height=\""<<height_<<"\""<<endl;
file1_<<" id=\"blop_svg\">"<<endl;
file1_<<" <script type=\"text/ecmascript\" id=\"blop_svg_script\">"<<endl;
file1_<<" function textwidth(txtid)"<<endl;
file1_<<" {"<<endl;
file1_<<" document.getElementById(txtid).....";
file1_<<" }"<<endl;
file1_<<" </script>"<<endl;
void svg::picture_begin()
max_length_index_ = 0;
max_text_index_ = 0;
max_line_index_ = 0;
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::picture_end()
ifstream f(filename2_.c_str());
string line;
while(getline(f,line)) file1_<<line<<endl;
void svg::subpicture_begin(const coord &lower_left,
const coord &upper_right)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::subpicture_end()
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::draw_dot(const coord &pos)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::draw_text(const coord &position,
const string &s,
int xalign,
int yalign,
const blop::terminal::id &dx,
const blop::terminal::id &dy,
bool rotatedsystem)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::draw_arc(const coord ¢er, const id &r,
double ang1,
double ang2)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::fill_arc(const coord ¢er, const id &r,
double ang1,
double ang2)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::draw_line (const coord &c1,const coord &c2)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::draw_lines (const std::vector<blop::terminal::coord> &c)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::draw_rlines (const blop::terminal::coord &start,
const std::vector<blop::terminal::id> &x,
const std::vector<blop::terminal::id> &y)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::fill_polygon(const std::vector<blop::terminal::coord> &c)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::reset_transformation()
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::translate(const id &, const id &)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::rotate (double angle)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::rotate (const id &, const id &)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::scale (double s)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::scale (double xscale, double yscale)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::scale (const id &xfrom, const id &xto,
const id &yfrom, const id &yto)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::set_color(const color &c)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::set_linewidth(const id &)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
void svg::set_linestyle(sym::linestyle)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
int svg::atan(const id &x,const id &y)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::add_dbl(const double_id &, const double_id &)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::sin_dbl(int)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::cos_dbl(int)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
int svg::neg_dbl(int)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return 0;
bool svg::clip(const coord &lower_left,
const coord &upper_right)
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;
return false;
void svg::noclip()
cerr<<"not yet implemented"<<endl;