#ifndef __BLOP_SVG_H__
#define __BLOP_SVG_H__

#include "terminal.h"
#include "var.h"
#include <fstream>

#ifdef __CINT__
#pragma define G__NOALGORITHM

namespace blop
    class svg : public terminal
	std::ofstream file1_, file2_;
	std::string filename1_, filename2_;
	double width_, height_;

	svg(const svg &);

	int max_length_index_, max_text_index_, max_line_index_;

	void write_header_();

	svg(const var &filename, double width=800, double height=800);

	void open(const var &filename);

	void comment(const string &) {}
	int  newlength();
	int  overwrite(int i,
		       double f1,const terminal::id &i1);
	int  overwrite(int id,
		       double f1,const terminal::id &i1,
		       double f2,const terminal::id &i2);
	int  lincombi(double_id f,const terminal::id &i);
	int  lincombi(double_id f1,const terminal::id &i1,
		      double_id f2,const terminal::id &i2);
	int  lincombi(const std::vector<double> &f,
		      const std::vector<blop::terminal::id> &id);
	//  create the linear combination of lengths. the
	// factors are contained in the array 'f', and 'id'
	// contains the lengths IDs of the lengths
	int  maxlength(const std::vector<blop::terminal::id> &id);
	int  minlength(const std::vector<blop::terminal::id> &id);
	// create a new length, which is the maximum of the
	// lengths provided
	int  textwidth (const string &,double angle=0);
	int  textheight(const string &,double angle=0);
	int  textlheight(const string &,double angle=0);
	// create a new length, which holds the width or height
	// of the specified string
	int  textsize  (const string &,double angle=0);
	// create two new lengths, holding the width and height
	// of the string. the returned length ID corresponds to
	// the length holding the width, ID+1 corresponds to
	// the length holding the height
	int max_textwidth (const std::vector<std::string>&);
	int max_textheight(const std::vector<std::string>&);
	int max_textlheight(const std::vector<std::string>&);
	// create a new length whic is the maximum of the
	// widths or heights or the provided strings
	void picture_begin();
	void picture_end();
	void subpicture_begin(const coord &lower_left,
			      const coord &upper_right);
	void subpicture_end();
	void draw_dot(const coord &pos);
	void draw_text(const coord &position,
		       const string &s,
		       int xalign,
		       int yalign,
		       const blop::terminal::id &dx,
		       const blop::terminal::id &dy,
		       bool rotatedsystem=true);
	void draw_arc(const coord &center, const id &r,
		      double ang1 = 0,
		      double ang2 = 360);
	void fill_arc(const coord &center, const id &r,
		      double ang1 = 0,
		      double ang2 = 360);
	void draw_line   (const coord &c1,const coord &c2);
	void draw_lines  (const std::vector<blop::terminal::coord> &c);
	void draw_rlines (const blop::terminal::coord &start,
			  const std::vector<blop::terminal::id> &x,
			  const std::vector<blop::terminal::id> &y);
	void fill_polygon(const std::vector<blop::terminal::coord> &c);
	void reset_transformation();
	void translate(const id &, const id &);
	void rotate   (double angle);
	void rotate   (const id &, const id &);
	void scale    (double s);
	void scale    (double xscale, double yscale);
	void scale    (const id &xfrom, const id &xto,
		       const id &yfrom, const id &yto);
	void set_color(const color &c);
	void set_linewidth(const id &);
	void set_linestyle(sym::linestyle);
	int  atan(const id &x,const id &y);
	int  add_dbl(const double_id &, const double_id &);
	int  sin_dbl(int);
	int  cos_dbl(int);
	int  neg_dbl(int);
	bool clip(const coord &lower_left,
		  const coord &upper_right);
	void noclip();

