// Declaring 1-dimensional histograms (last three arguments can be omitted): hist h1(-10.0, 10.0, 20, "X axis", "Entries/Bincell", "Histogram title"); hist h2(-10.0, 10.0, 20, "X axis", "Entries/Bincell", "Histogram title"); // Filling the histograms: for ( int i=0 ; i<100000 ; ++i ) { h1.fill(some_random_number); h2.fill(some_random_number); } // Write the histograms into file/pipe: hist::write_many("filename.1.2.dat")<<h1<<h2; // Plot the histograms: plot(h1); mplot(h2); // histogram+plot a data file // 1. histogram all data from the file (all columns, all lines, etc) hisplot("filename.dat"); // 2. histogram the 2nd column (create a 1D histogram) hisplot("filename.dat",_2); // 3. histogram the 1st and 2nd column (create a 2D histogram) hisplot("filename.dat",_1,_2); // the 'mhisplot' versions of these functions do not erase the frame content before plotting, // i.e. they create multiple plots....
The class meas was written to store a single measurement value and its error. Various operations are defined on them (e.g. addition, arythmetic operations and functions etc.), which all know the error propagation (see e.g.: G.F. Knoll: Radiation Detection and Measurement, or P.R. Bevington: Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences). This class also can be used in itself as a useful error propagation calculator, but basically it was written to handle the binwise error propagations during histogram operations. Namely, a histogram is an array of meas variables, with some extra structures. One may look at the self-explanatory header file meas.h for further reference.
// One can initialize a meas by its value and error: meas m1(2.0, 1.0), m2; // One can access the value data field: m2.v=3.0; // One can access the error data field: m2.e=1.5; // One can perform arithmetical operations: cerr<<m1+m2<<endl; // One can apply blop functions: cerr<<apply(pow(_1, 2), m1)<<endl;
Histograms can be constructed (or reinitialized by the reinit member functions) with various options. The class histopt is responsible for this. With various member functions, a default-constructed histopt() object can be modified, which follows the main guidline of option classes. There are also special constructors (and reinit member functions) for the 1, 2 and 3 dimensional case to save typing.
// Declaring 1-dimensional histograms (last three arguments can be omitted): hist h1(-10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable", "Entries/Bincell", "Histogram title"); hist h2(-10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable", "Entries/Bincell", "Histogram title"); // Declaring 2-dimensional histograms (last two arguments can be omitted): hist h3(-10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable 1", -10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable 2", "Entries/Bincell", "Histogram title"); hist h4(-10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable 1", -10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable 2", "Entries/Bincell", "Histogram title"); // Declaring 3-dimensional histograms (last two arguments can be omitted): hist h5(-10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable 1", -10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable 2", -10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable 3", "Entries/Bincell", "Histogram title"); hist h6(-10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable 1", -10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable 2", -10.0, 10.0, 20, "Random variable 3", "Entries/Bincell", "Histogram title"); // Declaring arbitrary-dimensional histograms: hist h7(histopt().min(1,-10.0).max(1,10.0).bins(1,20).axistitle(1,"Random variable 1"). ... .rangetitle("Entries/Bincell").legend("Histogram title")); hist h8(histopt().min(1,-10.0).max(1,10.0).binsize(1,0.1).axistitle(1,"Random variable 1"). ... .rangetitle("Entries/Bincell").legend("Histogram title")); hist h9(histopt().min(1,-10.0).binsize(1,0.1).bins(1,20).axistitle(1,"Random variable 1"). ... .rangetitle("Entries/Bincell").legend("Histogram title")); hist h10(histopt().binsize(1,0.1).max(1,10.0).bins(1,20).axistitle(1,"Random variable 1"). ... .rangetitle("Entries/Bincell").legend("Histogram title")); // etc. etc. // (There are also .reinit(...) functions of the same scheme as above.)
One can add entries to histograms by the fill member functions. These read 1, 2, or 3 double or var type variables (as point coordinates), plus (if specified) an extra double (or var), being the weight of the entry (the weight is 1, if unspecified).
The fill also can read a hist::point type variable (a geometric point), because this is the way how a geometric point is communicated to the histograms in general (this can be useful, when the dimension of the histogram is not 1, 2 or 3, but a general one). One can also use the type datapoint for this purpose. Additionally, it also can be passed an extra double (or var) as a weight.
// Filling histograms: for ( int i=0 ; i<100000 ; ++i ) { // Let x, y, z be a double (or var) valued random variable. // 1-dimensional histograms: h1.fill(x); // 1-dimensional histograms (with weight 2.0 for each entry): h2.fill(x, 2.0); // 2-dimensional histograms: h3.fill(x, y); // 2-dimensional histograms (with weight 'i' for each entry): h4.fill(x, y, i); // 3-dimensional histograms: h6.fill(x, y, z); // 3-dimensional histograms (with weight 3.0 for each entry): h7.fill(x, y, z, 3.0); // Arbitrary-dimensional histograms // (filling with hist::point or datapoint): hist::point pos; pos.push_back(x); ... pos.push_back(z); h7.fill(pos); // Arbitrary-dimensional histograms (with weight 12.0 for each entry): h8.fill(pos, 12.0); }
One can also spare a lot of typing if the data are accessed from a file/pipe or a dgraph. Then, there exists a fill_from member function, which fills the histogram from either of these sources. E.g.:
h.fill_from("scatter-data.dat", histopt().x(_1));The member function x of histopt class specifies the filtering function, and y specifies the weight (constant 1 if unspecified). Point acceptation conditions can also be specified by x_condition, y_condition, or condition functions.
If a histogram declaration and filling from file/pipe or from dgraph is required at the same time, the mkhist static functions can be used.
hist &h=mkhist("scatter-data.dat", histopt().min(1,-10.0).max(1,10.0).bins(1,20) .axistitle(1,"Random variable").rangetitle("Entries/Bincell").legend("A histo").x(_1));
The histplot (or mhistplot) static function is the same, however it also puts the histogram int current frame, i.e. plots it immediately. The histograms are automatically deleted in this case, ater the histogram is cleared from the current frame.
histplot("scatter-data.dat", histopt().min(1,-10.0).max(1,10.0).bins(1,20) .axistitle(1,"Random variable").rangetitle("Entries/Bincell").legend("A histo").x(_1));When an entry is added to a histogram, the errors are calculated by the hypothesis that the entries follow Poisson distribution (i.e. the error of the entries is the square root of entries). In the case of the weighted entries, these Poissonian errors are multiplied by the weight.
Numerous operations can be done with histograms (algebraic operations, like addition etc., arithmetic functions etc., projection, slicing, integration etc.). These all know the error propagation. Please have a look at the hist.h header file for further reference. These are too numerous to be documented here, and most of these are rather self-explanatory. E.g.:
hist h1, h2, h3; // initialize them and fill them etc.: ... // Add them: h3=h1+h2; // Assign the cosine of h3 to h1: h1=apply(cos(_1), h3); // Assign the of projection of h1 to h2: h2=h1.project_out(1); // <- Here the 1-st axis is integrated out. // Assign a slice of h1 to h3: h3=h1.slice(1, 0.1); // <- Here a '1-st coordinate==0.1' slice is taken. // Assign an other blop function of h1 to h3: h3=apply(pow(_1, 2), h1); // Transform h3 with a blop function: h3.transform(pow(_1, 2)); // Interpolate the histogram h1 at the bin positions of h2, // and assign it to h3: h3=h1.interpolate(h2);
Our histogram class is basically an array of meas datafields. The class hist was designed in such a way, that it can handle histograms of arbitrary dimension. The histogramig domain is a multidimensional rectangle (a Descartes product), which is split up in each direction into equidistant bincells (i.e. uniform binning is used; thus each bincell is a small multidimensional rectangle). However, sometimes, this scheme is not enough: sometimes in practice one faces the problem that the number of entries in a particular histogram bincell (which is of interest, for some reason) contains only low statistics. Therefore, one would need somehow to merge this bincell with some of the neighboring bincells, to increase the number of entries (at the price of incresing the size of the bin). For this purpose, a bin merging scheme is introduced: the bincells can be merged in a specified multidimensional rectangular domain n[i]-fold in each direction (where i=1..dimension, and n[i] denotes here a nonnegative integer number). When n[i]==0 for a given direction i, then the whole specified rectangular domain is merged into a single huge bin in the i-th direction. Otherwise the bins are merged n[i]-fold in the i-th direction. E.g.:
h.merge(mergeopt().side(min[1], max[1], n[1]).....side(min[dim], max[dim], n[dim]));In the above example, min[i], max[i] controlls the size of the rectangular domain in the i-th direction, and n[i] is explained above. Special versions were written of the member function merge, to simplify the above syntax for 1, 2 or 3-dimensional histograms. The option class mergeopt follows the general design concepts of option classes.
// Merge some bins of a 1-dimensional histogram: h1.merge(0.0, 1.0, 2); // <- Merge every 2 bins between 0.0 and 1.0. h2.merge(0.0, 1.0, 2); // <- Merge every 2 bins between 0.0 and 1.0. // Merge some bins of a 2-dimensional histogram: h3.merge(0.0, 1.0, 2, -5.0, 5.0 5); // <- Merge every 2 bins between 0.0 and 1.0 in 1-st variable, //and every 5 between -5.0 and 5.0 in 2-nd variable. // Merge some bins of a 3-dimensional histogram: h5.merge(0.0, 1.0, 2, -5.0, 5.0, 5, -5.0, 5.0, 5); // <- Merge every 2 bins between 0.0 and 1.0 in 1-st variable, // and every 5 between -5.0 and 5.0 in 2-nd variable, // and the same for the 3-rd variable. // Merge some bins of a 3-dimensional histogram // (the same for arbitrary dimensions): h7.merge(mergeopt().side(0.0, 1.0, 2).side(-5.0, 5.0, 5).side(-5.0, 5.0, 5));
As one can see, even after merging, the histograming domain is a multidimensional rectangle (Descartes product), which is split up into bins, which are smaller multidimensional rectangles (Descartes products). Here, one has to be careful: if the merging scheme is general enough, then the projection of histogram does not preserve this structure in dimensions higher than 2. In this pathological case, the member function project_out(int) detects this, returns a warning, and the corresponding projected histogram is not prepared, as it cannot be administered by our bin merging scheme.
Sometimes it happens that e.g. certain bins are undesired on a plot, e.g. because of too large errorbars etc. Therefore, a killpoint member function was introduced, which sets the bin at the given position to 'unset'. This function can read a hist::point variable (or datapoint), or 1, 2, or 3 double or var values in the case of 1, 2 or 3-dimensional histograms.
// Kill a particular bin (specified with the bin identifier number): h.killbin(11); // Kill a particular point of a 1-dimensional histogram (specified with coordinates): h1.killpoint(0.0); // Kill a particular point of a 2-dimensional histogram (specified with coordinates): h3.killpoint(0.0, 1.0); // Kill a particular point of a 3-dimensional histogram (specified with coordinates): h5.killpoint(0.0, 1.0, 2.0); // Kill a particular point of an arbitrary-dimensional histogram (specified with coordinates): hist::point pos; pos.push_back(1.0); ... h7.killpoint(pos);
As the class hist is inherited from the class plottable, a histogram can be plotted or fitted as any plottable, as e.g. a dgraph. E.g.:
// Plot: plot(h); // Fit: function f=PAR(1)*exp(-_1*_1); f.param(1, 100.0); fitresult r=fit<poisson_chi2>(h, f);
The member function write writes your histogram into a file/pipe. E.g.:
To write many histograms in a file/pipe (with the same histograming domain and bin merging scheme), the write_many class was implemented:
hist::write_many("filename.dat")<<h1<<h2; // Or: hist::write_many("filename.dat").put(h1).put(h2);
The member function read reads your histogram from a file/pipe. E.g.:
// Read the histogram from file/pipe (the first one, if more histograms are in file): h.read("filename.dat"); // Read the 2-nd histogram from file/pipe: h.read("filename.dat", 2);
To read many histograms from a file/pipe, the read_many class was implemented:
// Read the histograms from file/pipe in order: hist::read_many("filename.dat")>>h1>>h2; // Read particular histograms from file/pipe: hist::read_many("filename.dat")>>h1>>2>>h2>>1; // <- Read the 2-nd into h1, the 1-st into h2. // Or: hist::read_many("filename.dat").get(h1, 2).get(h2, 1); // <- Read the 2-nd into h1, the 1-st into h2. // Print the dimension of histograms in file/pipe: cerr<<hist::read_many::dim("filename.dat")<<endl; // Print the number of histograms stored in file/pipe: cerr<<hist::read_many::numhists("filename.dat")<<endl;
Did you ever face the problem that you have to explore some close-to-unknown dataset, thus you have to administer plenty of (e.g. 50) histograms? If you have to solve such a problem of producing quickly simple, technical-like plots of many-many histograms (and possibly also functions), then the tool qplot is for you! It is a class, which imitates the scheme of write_many. It has many modifier functions, however. The intention was to provide a very short syntax. E.g.:
// Plot two histograms h1 and h2, and a function f with label "Gaussian model": hist::qplot("filename.beps").title("Global title").min(1, 2.0).log(1, true).rangemin(1.0) .rangelog(true)<<h1<<h2<<f<<(const var)"Gaussian model";With this, one can plot 1 dimensional histograms (sxyerrorbars style), 1-dimensional functions (lines style), 2-dimensional histograms (scbox style), 2-dimensional functions (cbox style), 3-dimensional histograms (sliced to get a sequence of 2-dimensional histograms, these are plotted with scbox), 3-dimensional functions (sliced to get a sequence of 2-dimensional functions, these are plotted with cbox).
There also exists a double-plot mode, with which one can compare the followings: two 2-dimensional histograms, a 2-dimensional histogram and a 2-dimensional function, two 2-dimensional functions, furthermore the same for 3-dimensions (in this case, the histograms or functions are sliced to get 2-dimensional objects). The first one is plotted by color map (cbox or scbox), the second one is plotted by isolines on top of it. I developed this tool to be able to show the 3-dimesional momentum spectrum of particles in experiment NA49, where the number of potential track points left in the detector for the given momentum values were plotted on top of this with isolines. I found it so useful that I implemented it also in BLOP. E.g.:
// Plot the histogram h (the spectrum in question) and the histogram potpoints // (the potential track points) on top of it, with isolines: hist::qplot("filename.beps", h, potpoints).title("Global title").rangelog(true);
Qplot can be initialized by a mpps terminal, a filename for a blopeps file (as in the above example), or with no terminal specified (in this case the figure will be printed onto x11_ps terminal).
Sources: meas.h hist.h meas.cc hist.cc