#include "bloputils.h"
#include "blop_bookkeeper.h"
#include "exc.H"
#include "graph_drawer.h"
#include "pstream.h"
#include "warning.h"
#include "canvas.h"

#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <unistd.h>

namespace blop
    using namespace std;

    bool isfinite(double v) { return std::isfinite(v); }
    bool isnan(double v)    { return std::isnan(v); }
    bool isinf(double v)    { return std::isinf(v); }
    bool isnormal(double v) { return std::isnormal(v); }

    length axislength(axis *a, double from, double to)
	return length::base_axis_t(a,from,to);

    length x1len(double a,double b)
	return length::base_axis_t(frame::current().x1axis(),a,b);
    length x2len(double a,double b)
	return length::base_axis_t(frame::current().x2axis(),a,b);
    length y1len(double a,double b)
	return length::base_axis_t(frame::current().y1axis(),a,b);
    length y2len(double a,double b)
	return length::base_axis_t(frame::current().y2axis(),a,b);

    std::istream *openin(const var &filename)
	if(filename.length() == 0)
	    warning::print("empty string","openin(const var &filename)");
	    return 0;
	istream *file = 0;

	// filename beginning with << is interpreted as here-document (istringstream)
	if(filename[0] == '<' && filename[1] == '<')
	    file = new istringstream(filename.c_str()+2);
	else if(filename[filename.length()-1]=='|')
	    file = new ipstream(filename.str().substr(0,filename.length()-1).c_str());
	else if(filename.find("scp://") == 0)
	    file = new iscpstream(filename.str().substr(6,string::npos).c_str());
	else if(filename.find("http://") == 0)
	    file = new ihttpstream(filename.str().c_str());
	// everything else is a normal file
	    file = new ifstream(filename.str().c_str());

	    warning::print("Can't open file: " & filename);
	    delete file;
	    return 0;
	return file;

    std::ostream *openout(const var &filename)
	if(filename.length() == 0)
	    warning::print("empty string","openout(const var &filename)");
	    return 0;
	ostream *file = 0;

	// filename beginning with << is interpreted as here-document (istringstream)
	if(filename[0] == '>' && filename[1] == '>')
	    file = new ofstream(filename.str().substr(2).c_str(),ios::app);
	// ignore > at the beginning, open as normal file
	else if(filename[0] == '>')
	    file = new ofstream(filename.str().substr(1).c_str());
	// filename beginning with | is an output pipe
	else if(filename[0] == '|')
	    file = new opstream(filename.str().substr(1).c_str());
	else if(filename.find("scp://") == 0)
	    file = new oscpstream(filename.str().substr(6,string::npos).c_str());
	// everything else is a normal file
	    file = new ofstream(filename.str().c_str());

	    warning::print("Can't open file: " & filename);
	    delete file;
	    return 0;
	return file;

    void print(terminal *t)
    CATCH("print(terminal *)")

    int system(const var &cmd)
	return ::system(cmd.str().c_str());

    int system_bg(const var &cmd)
	int pid = fork();
	if(pid == 0)
	    const char *shell = "/bin/bash";
	    struct stat buf;
	    if(stat(shell,&buf) != 0) shell = "/bin/sh";
	    execl(shell, "sh", "-c", cmd.c_str(), NULL);
	return pid;

    void shell(const var &cmd)
	static opstream shellstr("/bin/sh");

    var readcmd(const var &cmd_orig,int *rc)
	string resultstr;
	var cmd = cmd_orig;
	if(cmd[0] == '<')
	    cmd = cmd.str().substr(1);
	ipstream cmdstr(cmd);
	int lineno = 0;
	char c;
	    resultstr += c;
	    if(c == '\n') ++lineno;
	if(lineno == 1 && resultstr[resultstr.size()-1] == '\n')
	if(rc) *rc = cmdstr.close();
	return resultstr;

    int readcmd(const var &cmd, array &out, const var &separator, int *rc)
	var f = readcmd(cmd, rc);
	out = split(f,separator);
	return out.size();
    int readcmd(const var &cmd, std::vector<std::string> &out, const var &separator, int *rc)
        var f = readcmd(cmd, rc);
        split(f, separator, out);
        return out.size();
    var readfile(const var &filename)
	var result;
	char c;
	ifstream file(filename.str().c_str());
	while(file.get(c)) result &= c;
	return result;

    text &fdraw_file_content(const var &filename)
        return text::fdraw(tolatex(readfile(filename))).verbatim(true);
    text &pdraw_file_content(const var &filename)
        return text::pdraw(tolatex(readfile(filename))).verbatim(true);
    text &cdraw_file_content(const var &filename)
        return text::cdraw(tolatex(readfile(filename))).verbatim(true);

    int readfile(const var &filename, array &out, const var &separator)
	var f = readfile(filename);
	out = split(f,separator);
	return out.size();

    var join(const array &a, const var &sep)
	if(a.empty()) return "";
	var result = a[0];
	for(unsigned int i=1; i<a.size(); ++i)
	    result &= sep;
	    result &= a[i];
	return result;

    var join(const std::vector<double> &a, const var &sep)
	if(a.empty()) return "";
	var result = a[0];
	for(unsigned int i=1; i<a.size(); ++i)
	    result &= sep;
	    result &= a[i];
	return result;
    var join(const std::vector<std::string> &a, const var &sep)
	if(a.empty()) return "";
	var result = a[0];
	for(unsigned int i=1; i<a.size(); ++i)
	    result &= sep;
	    result &= a[i];
	return result;

    array sequence(var start, var stop, var step)
	array out;
	for(double v = start.dbl(); v<=stop.dbl(); v+=step.dbl())
	return out;

    string read_word_from_string(const string &line,std::string::size_type &index,const string &delimiter)
	string result;
	for(; index < line.size() && delimiter.find(line[index]) == string::npos; ++index)
	    result += line[index];
	return result;

    void split_quoted(string line, vector<var> &fields)
	line += ' ';
	string s;
	for(string::size_type i=0; i<line.size(); ++i)
	    // skip whitespaces
	    for(; i<line.size() && ( line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t') ; ++i);
	    if(i >= line.size()) break;

	    if(line[i] == '\'')
		s = read_word_from_string(line,++i,"'");
		//if(s != "")
	    else if(line[i] == '"')
		s = read_word_from_string(line,++i,"\"");
		//if(s != "")
		s = read_word_from_string(line,i," \t");
		if(s != "") fields.push_back(s);

    array split(const var &ss,const var &sep)
	array out;

	string separator = sep.str();
	string s = ss.str();

	string w;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<s.size(); ++i)
	    if(separator.find(s[i]) != string::npos)
		if(w != "") out.push_back(w);
		w = "";
		w += s[i];
	if(w != "") out.push_back(w);
	return out;

    int split(const string &s,const string &separator, std::vector<std::string> &out)

	string w;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<s.size(); ++i)
	    if(separator.find(s[i]) != string::npos)
		if(w != "") out.push_back(w);
		w = "";
		w += s[i];
	if(w != "") out.push_back(w);
	return out.size();

    istream &getline(istream &in, var &line, const var &line_separator)
	string s;
	line = s;
	return in;

    istream &getline(istream &in, array &line, const var &line_separator, const var &field_separator)
	string s;
	line = split(s,field_separator);
	return in;

    istream &getline(istream &in, std::vector<std::string> &line, const std::string &line_separator, const std::string &field_separator)
	string s;
	return in;

    var getfield(const var &s, unsigned int i, const var &separator)
	vector<var> out = split(s,separator);
	if(i >= out.size()) return "";
	if(i < 0) return "";
	return out[i];

    var tolatex(const var &input)
	string fn = input.str();
	string result;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<fn.size(); ++i)
	    case '<': result += "$<$"; break;
	    case '>': result += "$>$"; break;
	    case '_': result += "\\_"; break;
            case '^': result += "\\^"; break;
	    case '%': result += "\\%"; break;
	    case '@': result += "\\@"; break;
	    case '{': result += "$\\{$"; break;
	    case '}': result += "$\\}$"; break;
	    case '$': result += "\\$"; break;
	    case '&': result += "\\&"; break;
	    default: result += fn[i];
	return result;

    // ---------- parallel_sort -------------------------------------------------------
    void parallel_sort(std::vector<double> &x, std::vector<double> &y)
	parallel_sort<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double> >(x,y);
    void parallel_sort(std::vector<blop::var> &x, std::vector<blop::var> &y)
	parallel_sort<std::vector<blop::var>,std::vector<blop::var> >(x,y);
    void parallel_sort(array &x, array &y)
