#include "length.h"
#include "function.h"
#include "axis.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "arrowhead.h"
#include "sym.h"

namespace blop

    class point_drawer;
    class terminal;
    class graph;
    class frame;
    class axis;
    class plottable;

    class color_mapping
	void *p2f_cint_;
	color (*p2f_)(double,double,double);
	string fname_;
	color start_color_, end_color_;


	static color the_color_;

	// The default color-mapping function
	static color def(double value, double mini, double maxi);
	color map_interpreted(double,double,double) const; // defined in blop_cint.cc/blop_nocint.cc
	color map(double val, double mini, double maxi) const;

	void set(color (*p)(double,double,double))
	    p2f_ = p;
	    p2f_cint_ = 0;
	    fname_ = "this_should_not_happen";
	void set(void *p);  // defined in blop_cint.cc or blop_nocint.cc
	void set(const color &start_color, const color &end_color);

    class color_legend;

    class graph_drawer
	    // These two member-functions return the blop-function, which
	    // calculates the values to be used as x- or y- coordinates

	    virtual function get_x(const plottable *) const;
	    virtual function get_y(const plottable *) const;

	    virtual void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y) = 0;
	    virtual void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t) = 0;
	    virtual void draw_sample(const length &x,
				     const length &y,
				     const length &size,
				     const plottable *style,
				     terminal *) {}
	    virtual bool draws_sample() const {return true;}
	    virtual graph_drawer *clone() const = 0;
	    virtual void prepare_for_draw(plottable *,frame *, int count) = 0;
	    virtual ~graph_drawer() {}
	    virtual int req_components() const = 0;

	    // A function which will be called at the moment when the
	    // graph is added to a frame
	    virtual void setup_when_added(plottable *p, frame *f) {}

	    virtual bool uses_linecolor() const { return true; }

	    virtual bool draws_points() const { return true; }

    // A base class for all graph-drawers, which use a color-scale
    // to indicate some value
    class graphd_colorscale : public graph_drawer
	friend class color_legend;
	color_legend *colorlegend_;
	double color_min_, color_max_;
	bool color_logscale_;
	bool color_min_fixed_, color_max_fixed_;
	int color_samples_;
	color_mapping cmapping_;
	color underflow_color_, overflow_color_;
	var color_title_;
	int draw_colorlegend_;    // 0 - do not create any colorlegend. 1 - create colorlegend but do not draw. 2 - create and draw.
	std::string legendname_;

	graphd_colorscale(const graphd_colorscale &o);
	void copy(const graphd_colorscale &rhs);
	virtual ~graphd_colorscale();

	virtual graphd_colorscale &color_min(double v);
	virtual double             color_min() const { return color_min_; }
	virtual graphd_colorscale &color_max(double v);
	virtual double             color_max() const { return color_max_; }

	virtual graphd_colorscale &color_range(double min, double max);
	virtual graphd_colorscale &color_range(const color &startcolor, const color &endcolor);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// set/get the number of samples used by the colorlegend bar.

	virtual int                color_samples() const { return color_samples_; }
	virtual graphd_colorscale &color_samples(int n)  { color_samples_ = n; return *this; }

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// set/get wether the colorscale uses logscale
	virtual bool               color_logscale() const { return color_logscale_; }
	virtual graphd_colorscale &color_logscale(bool f) { color_logscale_ = f; return *this; }
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// set/get the title of the color-legendbar

	virtual var                color_title() const       { return color_title_; }
	virtual graphd_colorscale &color_title(const var &t) { color_title_ = t;  return *this; }

	virtual bool   color_min_fixed() const { return color_min_fixed_; }
	virtual bool   color_max_fixed() const { return color_max_fixed_; }

	virtual graphd_colorscale &underflow_color(const color &c) { underflow_color_ = c; return *this; }
	virtual graphd_colorscale &overflow_color(const color &c) { overflow_color_ = c; return *this; }

	virtual graphd_colorscale &draw_colorlegend(bool f);

	virtual color map_color(double val, double mini, double maxi) const;
	void map_function(void *p) { cmapping_.set(p); }
	void map_function(color (*p)(double,double,double)) { cmapping_.set(p); }
	virtual void setup_when_added(plottable *p, frame *f);

	virtual void set_colorlegend(color_legend *);


    // ================================================================================

    class dots : public graph_drawer

	    void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y);
	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);
	    virtual void draw_sample(const length &x,
				     const length &y,
				     const length &size,
				     const plottable *style,
				     terminal *);
	    bool draws_sample() const {return true;}
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int) {};
	    virtual int req_components() const {return 2;}

	    bool draws_points() const { return false; }

    // ================================================================================

    class lines : public graph_drawer
            bool break_line_; // break the line at empty datalines

            lines() : break_line_(true) {}

            virtual lines &break_line(bool f) { break_line_ = f; return *this; }

	    virtual void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y);
	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);
	    void draw_sample(const length &x,
			     const length &y,
			     const length &size,
			     const plottable *style,
			     terminal *);
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);
	    int req_components() const {return 2;}
	    bool draws_points() const { return false; }

    // ================================================================================

    class splines : public lines
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);	    
	    void draw_sample(const length &x, const length &y,
			     const length &samplen, const plottable *s, terminal *t);

    // ================================================================================

    class histo : public lines
	    bool fill_;
	    void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y);
	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    int req_components() const {return 2;}
	    bool draws_points() const { return false; }

    // ================================================================================

    class points : public graph_drawer
	    point_drawer *point_drawer_;

	    virtual void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y);
	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);
	    void draw_sample(const length &x,const length &y,
			     const length &size,
			     const plottable *s,
			     terminal *t);
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);
	    int req_components() const {return 2;}

    // ================================================================================

    class linespoints : public graph_drawer
	    point_drawer *point_drawer_;

	    virtual void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y);
	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);
	    void draw_sample(const length &x,const length &y,
			     const length &size,
			     const plottable *s,
			     terminal *t);
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);
	    int req_components() const {return 2;}

    // ================================================================================

    class spoints : public points
	    int req_components() const {return 3;}
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);

    // ================================================================================

    class cpoints : public points
	    int req_components() const {return 5;}
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);

    // ================================================================================

    class bars : public graph_drawer
	    length l1_,l2_;
            sym::horizontal_vertical dir_;
            function      from_value_;
            sym::position from_side_;


	    bars(const length &width=4*blop::MM, const length &offset=0.0);
	    bars &operator() (const length &width,const length &offset);

	    void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y);
	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);
	    void draw_sample(const length &x,
			     const length &y,
			     const length &size,
			     const plottable *style,
			     terminal *);
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);
	    int req_components() const {return 2;}
	    bool draws_points() const { return false; }

    // ================================================================================

    class labels : public graph_drawer
	    length x_offset_,y_offset_;
	    sym::position xalign_,yalign_;
	    double angle_;

	    labels &operator() (sym::position xal = sym::left,
				sym::position yal = sym::bottom,
				double angle = 0,
				const length &xoff = length(),
				const length &yoff = length());

	    labels &xalign(sym::position a);
	    labels &yalign(sym::position a);
	    labels &align(sym::position xa, sym::position ya);
	    labels &angle(double a);
	    labels &xoffset(const length &xoff);
	    labels &yoffset(const length &yoff);
	    labels &offset(const length &xoff, const length &yoff);

	    bool draws_sample() const {return false;}
	    virtual void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y);
	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);
	    void draw_sample(const length &x,
			     const length &y,
			     const length &size,
			     const plottable *style,
			     terminal *);
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);

	    labels(sym::position xal=sym::center, sym::position yal = sym::center, double ang=0,
			  const length &xoff = length(), const length &yoff = length());
	    int req_components() const {return 3;}
	    bool draws_points() const { return false; }

    // ================================================================================

    class errorbars : public graph_drawer
	bool x_,y_,symmetric_x_,symmetric_y_;
	static bool default_clip_errorbars_, default_clip_points_;
	bool clip_errorbars_, clip_points_;
	void get_functions(const plottable *g,
			   function &x, function &x1, function &x2,
			   function &y, function &y1, function &y2);
	length endmarker_size_;
        static length &default_endmarker_size_();

	static void default_clip_errorbars(bool f) { default_clip_errorbars_ = f; }
	static void default_clip_points   (bool f) { default_clip_points_   = f; }
        static void default_endmarker_size(const length &l) { default_endmarker_size_() = l; }
	errorbars &clip_errorbars(bool);
	errorbars &clip_points   (bool);
	errorbars &endmarker_size(const length &l);

	errorbars(bool x=false,bool sx=false,bool y=true,bool sy=true);
	errorbars(const errorbars &);
	void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y);
	void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);
	void draw_sample(const length &x,
			 const length &y,
			 const length &size,
			 const plottable *style,
			 terminal *);
	graph_drawer *clone() const;
	void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);
	int req_components() const;

    // draws errorbars on y, columns 3 and 4 specify the
    // lower and upper ends of the errorbars
    class yerrorbars : public errorbars
    {public: yerrorbars() : errorbars(false,false,true,false) {}};

    // draws symmetric (==>s) errorbars on y, the 3rd column
    // specifies the error (which is +- -ed to the 2nd column)
    class syerrorbars : public errorbars
    {public: syerrorbars() : errorbars(false,false,true,true) {}};

    // the same as yerrorbars and syerrorbars, but in the x direction
    class xerrorbars : public errorbars
    {public: xerrorbars() : errorbars(true,false,false,false) {}};
    class sxerrorbars : public errorbars
    {public: sxerrorbars() : errorbars(true,true,false,false) {}};

    // errorbars in both x and y
    class xyerrorbars : public errorbars
    {public: xyerrorbars() : errorbars(true,false,true,false) {}};
    class sxyerrorbars : public errorbars
    {public: sxyerrorbars() : errorbars(true,true,true,true) {}};

    // ---------- graphd_ticlabels ----------------------------------------------------
    // graphd_ticlabels
    // This is a wrapper class: besides calling another graph_drawer,
    // this class additionally puts labels to the x axis (xticlabels),
    // to the y axis (yticlabels), or both (xyticlabels).
    // You can specify the real draw-style in parentheses, for example:
    // plot("datafile",_1,_2,_3).ds(xticlabels(lines));
    // This command will plot the 2nd column vs. the 1st columns of the
    // file 'datafile' with 'lines' draw-style, and instead of the automatic
    // tics it will put ticlabels to the x coordinates (1st column) of the
    // data, as specified in the 3rd column. For xticlabels and yticlabels
    // you have to specify 1 more component in the plot(...) command (which
    // is the label to be displayed), for xyticlabels you need two more

    class ticlabels : public graph_drawer
	bool x_,y_;
	graph_drawer *drawer_;
	function get_x(const plottable *g) const { return drawer_->get_x(g); }
	function get_y(const plottable *g) const { return drawer_->get_y(g); }
	ticlabels(bool x,bool y,const graph_drawer & = blop::points());
	ticlabels(const ticlabels &);
	ticlabels operator() (const graph_drawer &);
	void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y);
	void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);
	void draw_sample(const length &x,
			 const length &y,
			 const length &size,
			 const plottable *style,
			 terminal *);
	graph_drawer *clone() const;
	void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);
	int req_components() const;
	bool draws_points() const { return (drawer_?drawer_->draws_points():false); }
    class xticlabels : public ticlabels
        xticlabels() : ticlabels(true,false) {}
        xticlabels(const graph_drawer &d) : ticlabels(true,false,d) {}
    class yticlabels : public ticlabels
        yticlabels() : ticlabels(false,true) {}
        yticlabels(const graph_drawer &d) : ticlabels(false,true,d) {}
    class xyticlabels : public ticlabels
        xyticlabels() : ticlabels(true,true) {}
        xyticlabels(const graph_drawer &d) : ticlabels(true,true,d) {}

    // ---------- cbox_base -----------------------------------------------------------
    class cbox_base : public virtual graphd_colorscale
	friend class color_legend;
	void init_lengths();
	std::vector<double> labelpositions_;

	cbox_base(const cbox_base &);
	cbox_base(void *cmapfunc);
	cbox_base(color (*p)(double,double,double));
	cbox_base(double mini, double maxi);
	cbox_base(const color &start, const color &end);

	void draw_sample(const length &x,
			 const length &y,
			 const length &size,
			 const plottable *style,
			 terminal *);
	double min() const { return color_min_; }
	double max() const { return color_max_; }

	bool draws_points() const { return false; }

    // ---------- cbox ----------------------------------------------------------------

    class cboxes : public cbox_base
	    double dx_,dy_;
	    void calc(plottable *g,axis *,axis *);

	    static bool default_frame_foreground_;
	    static bool default_grid_foreground_;
	    bool frame_foreground_, grid_foreground_;
	    bool skip_outrange_;


	    cboxes(double mini, double maxi);             // give z-range
	    cboxes(const color &start, const color &end); // give color-range
	    cboxes(void *p);                              // specify color-mapping func
	    cboxes(color (*p)(double,double,double));     // specify color-mapping func
	    cboxes(const cboxes &);

	    // ------------------- switch on/off legend -----------------------------

	    //cboxes &legend(bool f) { draw_clegend_ = f; return *this; }
	    cboxes &legend(color_legend *l);
	    cboxes &legend(const var &legendname);

	    cboxes &operator() (double mini=unset, double maxi=unset)
	    { value_range(mini,maxi); return *this; }

	    cboxes &operator() (const color &start, const color &end)
	    { color_range(start,end); return *this; }

	    cboxes &operator() (void *p) { map_function(p); return *this; }
	    cboxes &operator() (color (*p)(double,double,double))
	    { map_function(p); return *this; }

	    cboxes &title(const var &t) { color_title_ = t; return *this; }

	    cboxes &underflow(const color &c) { underflow_color_ = c; return *this; }
	    cboxes &overflow (const color &c) { overflow_color_  = c; return *this; }
	    cboxes &skip_outrange(bool f)     { skip_outrange_ = f; return *this; }

	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);
	    void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y);
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);
	    int req_components() const {return 3;}


    // ---------- graphd_scbox --------------------------------------------------------

    class csboxes : public cbox_base
	    void init_csboxes_();
	    void calc_box_x_(double x, double dx, double *x1, double *x2);
	    void calc_box_y_(double y, double dy, double *y1, double *y2);
	    function boxsize_x_func_, boxsize_y_func_, color_func_;

	    double cell_dx_, cell_dy_;
	    bool   cell_dx_fixed_, cell_dy_fixed_;

	    bool   normalize_xsize_, normalize_ysize_;
	    double xsize_min_, xsize_max_, ysize_min_, ysize_max_;
	    bool   xsize_min_fixed_;
	    bool   xsize_max_fixed_;
	    bool   ysize_min_fixed_;
	    bool   ysize_max_fixed_;
	    double xsize_goal_min_, xsize_goal_max_, ysize_goal_min_, ysize_goal_max_;
	    bool   skip_outrange_x_, skip_outrange_y_, skip_outrange_color_;
	    bool fill_;

	    friend class hist;
	    void calc(plottable *g, axis *xaxis, axis *yaxis);
	    static bool default_frame_foreground_;
	    static bool default_grid_foreground_;
	    bool frame_foreground_, grid_foreground_;
	    void get_functions(plottable *g,
			       function &getx,
			       function &gety,
			       function &boxsizex,
			       function &boxsizey,
			       function &getz);


	    csboxes(const csboxes &);
	    csboxes(const color &startcolor, const color &endcolor);
	    csboxes(double min, double max);

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	    // set the normalization limits for the box sizes in x/y.
	    // All boxes will be normalized/scaled such that a box with a size-value
	    // == max will match the cell size (which is the grid-spacing of the points),
	    // and a size-value == min will appear as a 0-sized box (invisibly small)

	    csboxes &xsize_range(double min, double max);
	    csboxes &xsize_min  (double min);
	    csboxes &xsize_max  (double max);

	    csboxes &ysize_range(double min, double max);
	    csboxes &ysize_min  (double min);
	    csboxes &ysize_max  (double max);

	    csboxes &color_range(double min, double max) { graphd_colorscale::color_range(min,max); return *this; }
	    csboxes &color_range(const color &startcolor, const color &endcolor) { graphd_colorscale::color_range(startcolor,endcolor); return *this; }

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	    // Set the goal size of the boxes (note that calling this function automatically
	    // switches on boxsize normalization in the given direction x/y)
	    // min,max (both of which should be in principle in the range 0-1) means that
	    // the value-range of the data (either the full range of the data, or the range
	    // requested by the user via xsize_range, etc functions) will be represented by
	    // boxes in the range [min..max]*cellsize
	    // the default value is 0 for minimum (i.e. 'invisibly small box' for the minimum value)
	    // and 1 for maximum (i.e. the full cellsize of the data grid)

	    csboxes &xsize_goal_range(double min, double max);
	    csboxes &xsize_goal_min  (double min);
	    csboxes &xsize_goal_max  (double max);
	    csboxes &ysize_goal_range(double min, double max);
	    csboxes &ysize_goal_min  (double min);
	    csboxes &ysize_goal_max  (double max);

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	    // Skip points which fall outside of the ranges. 

	    csboxes &skip_outrange_x    (bool f) { skip_outrange_x_ = f; return *this; }
	    csboxes &skip_outrange_y    (bool f) { skip_outrange_y_ = f; return *this; }
	    csboxes &skip_outrange_color(bool f) { skip_outrange_y_ = f; return *this; }

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	    // Specify the colors used to display the under/overflow values.

	    csboxes &underflow(const color &c) { graphd_colorscale::underflow_color(c); skip_outrange_color_ = false; return *this; }
	    csboxes &underflow_color(const color &c) { graphd_colorscale::underflow_color(c); skip_outrange_color_ = false; return *this; }
	    csboxes &overflow(const color &c)  { graphd_colorscale::overflow_color(c);  skip_outrange_color_ = false; return *this; }
	    csboxes &overflow_color(const color &c)  { graphd_colorscale::overflow_color(c);  skip_outrange_color_ = false; return *this; }

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	    // Set the normalization of the boxes. If this is set to true, then
	    // the box will be scaled such that a value equal to 'max' will match the
	    // cell size (which by default is calculated from the grid spacing of the datapoints),
	    // and a value equal to 'min' will appear as a 0-sized box.
	    // 'max' and 'min' are the maximum and minimum values over the whole graph,
	    // unless overwritten by the norm_dx/norm_dy functions, see above. 

	    csboxes &normalize_xsize(bool f) { normalize_xsize_ = f; return *this; }
	    csboxes &normalize_ysize(bool f) { normalize_ysize_ = f; return *this; }
	    csboxes &normalize_size (bool f) { normalize_xsize_ = normalize_ysize_ = f; return *this; }

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	    // Scale the boxes in the x/y directions independently (or not)
	    // If true, 2 columns (4 and 5) are used to determine the box-sizes
	    // in the x/y direction. Otherwise just one column (4th) is used

	    csboxes &independent_xy(bool f);

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	    // Specify manually the cellsize (the reference for scaling the boxes).
	    // If the value 'unset' is given, then the grid spacing will be automatically
	    // calculated from the data points, and this will be used.

	    csboxes &dx(double v);
	    csboxes &dy(double v);

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	    virtual csboxes &fill(bool f) { fill_ = f; return *this; }

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	    // set the number of samples used by the colorlegend bar. Just overwrite
	    // the inherited function to return a csboxes

	    csboxes &color_samples(int n)  { graphd_colorscale::color_samples(n); return *this; }

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	    // set logscale for the representation of the z-values by colors. Just overwrite
	    // the inherited function to return csboxes

	    csboxes &color_logscale(bool f) { graphd_colorscale::color_logscale(f); return *this; }

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	    // Set the title of the color-legendbar. Just overwrite the inherited function to return csboxes

	    csboxes &color_title(const var &t) { graphd_colorscale::color_title(t); return *this; }
	    csboxes &title(const var &t)       { color_title(t); return *this; }

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	    csboxes &colormapping(color (*p)(double,double,double));

	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	    // call this function with 'true' to automatically bring the frame to 
	    // the foreground, whenever a plottable is plotted with scbox style
	    // The default behaviour is 'true'

	    static void default_frame_foreground(bool f) { default_frame_foreground_ = f; }
	    static void default_grid_foreground(bool f)  { default_grid_foreground_ = f; }
	    csboxes &frame_foreground(bool f) { frame_foreground_ = f; return *this; }
	    csboxes &grid_foreground (bool f) { grid_foreground_ = f; return *this; }

	    csboxes &operator() (double mini=unset, double maxi=unset) { color_range(mini,maxi); return *this; }
	    csboxes &operator() (const color &start, const color &end) { color_range(start,end); return *this; }
	    csboxes &operator() (void *p) { map_function(p); return *this; }
	    csboxes &operator() (color (*p)(double,double,double))     { map_function(p); return *this; }

	    csboxes &legend(color_legend *l)       { set_colorlegend(l); return *this; }
	    csboxes &legend(bool f)                { draw_colorlegend(f); return *this; }
	    csboxes &legend(const var &legendname) {legendname_ = legendname.str();return *this;}

	    void draw(plottable *g,frame *f,terminal *t);
	    void set_ranges(plottable *g,axis *x,axis *y);
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);
	    int req_components() const {return 3;}

	    bool draws_points() const { return false; }

    class cboxes : public csboxes
	void init_();
	cboxes *clone() const { return new cboxes(*this); }
        cboxes(const cboxes &rhs);
        cboxes(const csboxes &rhs);
	cboxes(double min, double max);                           // set the z-value-range
	cboxes(const color &start, const color &stop);            // set the color-range
	cboxes(void *p);
	cboxes(color (*p)(double,double,double));
	cboxes &operator()(double min,double max);                // set the color-range
	cboxes &operator()(const color &start, const color &end); // set the color-range: start/end colors
	cboxes &operator()(void *p);                              // set value-to-color mapping func
	cboxes &operator()(color (*p)(double,double,double));     // set value-to-color mapping func
	cboxes &title(const var &t) { color_title(t); return *this; }
	cboxes &logscale(bool f) { color_logscale(f); return *this; }
	cboxes &legend(color_legend *l)       { csboxes::legend(l); return *this; }
	cboxes &legend(bool f)                { csboxes::legend(f); return *this; }
	cboxes &legend(const var &legendname) { csboxes::legend(legendname); return *this;}


    class sboxes : public csboxes
	void init_();
	sboxes *clone() const { return new sboxes(*this); }
        sboxes(const sboxes &rhs);
        sboxes(const csboxes &rhs);
	sboxes(double min, double max);
	sboxes &operator()(double min, double max);   // set the boxsize-range (both x/y directions)

	void draw_sample(const length &x,
			 const length &y,
			 const length &size,
			 const plottable *s,
			 terminal *t);

    // ---------- band drawstyle ------------------------------------------------------
    // the 'band' style requires 3 components: 
    // 1st: the x coordinate
    // 2nd and 3rd: the lower and upper y coordinates, between which a
    // band will be drawn. This is in an early status, it does not make
    // clipping correctly: if the range of the frame is narrower than
    // the data to be shown, it will go out of the frame

    class bands : public graph_drawer
	    bool x_,y_;
	    function get_x1_(plottable *) const;
	    function get_x2_(plottable *) const;
	    function get_y1_(plottable *) const;
	    function get_y2_(plottable *) const;
	    bands(bool x=true, bool y=true) : x_(x), y_(y) {}

	    void draw(plottable *g, frame *f, terminal *t);
	    void draw_sample(const length &x, const length &y,
			     const length &samplen, const plottable *s, terminal *t);
	    void set_ranges(plottable *g, axis *x, axis *y);
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int) {}
	    int req_components() const {if(x_ && y_) return 4; return 3;}
	    bool draws_points() const { return false; }

    class xbands : public bands
    {public: xbands() : bands(true,false) {}};
    class ybands : public bands
    {public: ybands() : bands(false,true) {}};

    // ---------- mosaic  -------------------------------------------------------------

    class mosaic : public cbox_base
	    function  params_to_xy_;
	    bool fixdp_; // wether parameters have a fix stepsize

	    static bool default_frame_foreground_;
	    static bool default_grid_foreground_;
	    bool frame_foreground_, grid_foreground_;

	    // if initialized with a single function, this function MUST have
	    // 2 components (to calculate the x and y values from the params)
	    mosaic(const function &f1);
	    mosaic(const function &f1, const function &f2);
	    mosaic(const mosaic &rhs);

	    void set_ranges(plottable *g, axis *x, axis *y);
	    void draw(plottable *g, frame *f, terminal *t);
	    bool draws_sample() const { return false; }
	    graph_drawer *clone() const {return new mosaic(*this);}
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);
	    int req_components() const { return 3; }

	    // set the z-range (to calculate colors)
	    mosaic &operator()(double mini, double maxi) { color_range(mini,maxi);return *this; }
	    mosaic &operator()(double mini, int maxi   ) { color_range(mini,(double)maxi); return *this; }
	    mosaic &operator()(int    mini, double maxi) { color_range((double)mini,maxi); return *this; }
	    mosaic &operator()(int    mini, int    maxi) { color_range((double)mini,(double)maxi); return *this; }

	    // Specify the start- and end-colors. A linear transition
	    // from the start- to the end-color is done as a function
	    // of the z-value
	    mosaic &operator() (const color &s, const color &e) { color_range(s,e); return *this; }

	    // Specify the color mapping functions
	    mosaic &operator()(void *p) { map_function(p); return *this; }
	    mosaic &operator()(color (*p)(double,double,double)) { map_function(p); return *this; }

	    // specify the title (to be shown next to the legend
	    mosaic &color_title(const var &t) { graphd_colorscale::color_title(t); return *this; }

	    // specify logscale for the z values
	    mosaic &color_logscale(bool v)    { graphd_colorscale::color_logscale(v); return *this; }

	    mosaic &legend(bool f) { draw_colorlegend(f); return *this; }
	    mosaic &legend(const var &legendname) {legendname_=legendname.str();return *this;}

	    mosaic &fixdp(bool f) { fixdp_ = f; return *this; }

	    static void default_frame_foreground(bool f) { default_frame_foreground_ = f; }
	    static void default_grid_foreground(bool f)  { default_grid_foreground_ = f; }
	    mosaic &frame_foreground(bool f) { frame_foreground_ = f; return *this; }
	    mosaic &grid_foreground(bool f) { grid_foreground_ = f; return *this; }

	    mosaic &underflow      (const color &c) { graphd_colorscale::underflow_color(c); return *this; }
	    mosaic &underflow_color(const color &c) { graphd_colorscale::underflow_color(c); return *this; }
	    mosaic &overflow       (const color &c) { graphd_colorscale::overflow_color (c); return *this; }
	    mosaic &overflow_color (const color &c) { graphd_colorscale::overflow_color (c); return *this; }

	    bool draws_points() const { return false; }

    class mosaic_polar : public mosaic
        mosaic_polar() : mosaic(ARG(1)*cos(ARG(2)), ARG(1)*sin(ARG(2))) {}
        mosaic_polar(double mini, double maxi) : mosaic(ARG(1)*cos(ARG(2)), ARG(1)*sin(ARG(2)))

    // ---------- gts-based isoline drawer --------------------------------------------
    class isolines : public graph_drawer
	    bool skip_(const var &, const var &, const var &, axis *xaxis, axis *yaxis,
		       double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax);
	    vector<double> isovalues_;
	    bool isovalues_specified_;
	    double min_, max_, step_, spec_val_;
	    bool minfixed_, maxfixed_, stepfixed_;
	    bool logscale_;
	    std::vector<color> colors_;
	    std::vector<var>   labels_;
	    bool draw_labels_, turn_labels_;
	    std::string labelformat_;
	    bool center_labels_;
	    static bool default_center_labels_;
	    double x1repulsion_, x2repulsion_, y1repulsion_, y2repulsion_;
	    double labelrepulsion_[3];
	    sym::position label_xalign_, label_yalign_;


	    // use a logarithmic scale for calculating the iso-values
	    isolines &logscale(bool f) { logscale_ = f; return *this; }

	    // set the minimum/maximum iso-values
	    isolines &min(double v) { min_ = v; minfixed_ = true; return *this; }
	    isolines &max(double v) { max_ = v; maxfixed_ = true; return *this; }

	    // set the stepsize between iso-values. If not specified, an automatic
	    // calculation is done for the optimum
	    isolines &step(double stepsize, double specval=unset)
	    { step_ = stepsize; spec_val_ = specval; stepfixed_ = (stepsize!=unset); return *this; }

	    // Set the format (printf style), which will be used to print
	    // the labels on the isolines. The default is "%g". 
	    isolines &labelformat(const var &format)
	    { labelformat_ = format.str(); return *this; }

	    // Specify the values, at which isolines should be drawn
	    // if more than 10 values are needed, call .at(...) twice:
	    // plot("filename").ds(isolines.at(1,2,3,4,..).at(11,12);
	    // If these values are specified, the min,max,step are ignored
	    isolines &at(double val1,
			 double val2=unset,
			 double val3=unset,
			 double val4=unset,
			 double val5=unset,
			 double val6=unset,
			 double val7=unset,
			 double val8=unset,
			 double val9=unset,
			 double val10=unset,
			 double val11=unset,
			 double val12=unset,
			 double val13=unset,
			 double val14=unset,
			 double val15=unset,
			 double val16=unset,
			 double val17=unset,
			 double val18=unset,
			 double val19=unset,
			 double val20=unset);
	    // switch on/off the drawing of isovalue-labels at the lines
	    isolines &labels(bool f) { draw_labels_ = f; return *this; }

	    // switch on/off turned labels (along the tangent of the given isoline)
	    isolines &turn_labels(bool f) { turn_labels_ = f; return *this; }

	    isolines &colors(const color &c1,
			     const color &c2 = color(-1,-1,-1),
			     const color &c3 = color(-1,-1,-1),
			     const color &c4 = color(-1,-1,-1),
			     const color &c5 = color(-1,-1,-1),
			     const color &c6 = color(-1,-1,-1),
			     const color &c7 = color(-1,-1,-1),
			     const color &c8 = color(-1,-1,-1),
			     const color &c9 = color(-1,-1,-1),
			     const color &c10 = color(-1,-1,-1));

	    // specify a sequence of labels to be printed on the isolines
	    // (instead the isovalue itself)
	    isolines &labels(const var &l1,
			     const var &l2 = blop::unset,
			     const var &l3 = blop::unset,
			     const var &l4 = blop::unset,
			     const var &l5 = blop::unset,
			     const var &l6 = blop::unset,
			     const var &l7 = blop::unset,
			     const var &l8 = blop::unset,
			     const var &l9 = blop::unset,
			     const var &l10 = blop::unset);
	    // try to center the labels on the lines, instead of
	    // a more complicated algorithm to space them rather apart from
	    // each other
	    isolines &center_labels(bool f) { center_labels_ = f; return *this; }

	    // Alignment of the labels, default is center,center

	    isolines &label_align(sym::position xalign, sym::position yalign);

	    // specify the weights to push away the line labels from the frame edges.
	    // The bigger this weight, the further away they will be from the frame edges.
	    // Default is 1.5
	    isolines &label_repulsion_frame(double w);

	    // Set repulsion weights for the previous 3 isovalues. Default is 
	    isolines &label_repulsion_label(double w1, double w2, double w3);

	    void set_ranges(plottable *g, axis *x, axis *y);
	    void draw(plottable *g, frame *f, terminal *t);
	    void draw_sample(const length &, const length &, const length &,
			     const plottable *, terminal*);
	    bool draws_sample() const { return true; }
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);
	    int req_components() const { return 3; }
	    bool draws_points() const { return false; }

    // ---------- vectors -------------------------------------------------------------
    class vectors :  public virtual graphd_colorscale
	    friend class color_legend;
	    length xunit_, yunit_;
	    arrowhead *arrow_;
	    double dx_, dy_, norm_, min_length_cut_;
	    bool norm_fixed_, min_length_cut_fixed_;
	    sym::position pos_;
	    double min_length_, max_length_;

	    bool scale_arrow_;
	    bool use_color_;

	    // A function to calculate the numerical value from
	    // the 4 columns of the dgraph, which will be used
	    // to set a color. It defaults to sqrt(_3*_3+_4*_4),
	    // i.e. the length of the arrow
	    function colorfunc_;

	    bool clip_;

	    vectors(const vectors &);

	    vectors &norm(double val);
	    vectors &pos(sym::position p);

	    // ---------- Set the arrow -------------------------------------------------------
	    vectors &arrow(const arrowhead &);

	    // ---------- length of the arrows ------------------------------------------------
	    // Specify the length of the arrows (for the maximum value...
	    // lower values will be normally scaled down by the
	    // length of the vector)
	    vectors &arrowlength(const length &l) { arrow_->size(l); return *this; }

	    // ---------- angle arrow ---------------------------------------------------------
	    // specify the angle of the arrows
	    vectors &arrowangle(double a) { arrow_->angle(a); return *this; }

	    // ---------- skip values lower than this -----------------------------------------
	    vectors &min(double v);

	    // ---------- change clipping outside of the frame --------------------------------
	    vectors &clip(bool f) { clip_ = f; return *this; }

	    vectors &scale_arrow(bool f) { scale_arrow_ = f; return *this; }
	    vectors &use_color(bool f) { use_color_ = f; return *this; }
	    vectors &use_color(const function &f)
	    { use_color_ = true; colorfunc_ = f; return *this; }

	    void setup_when_added(plottable *, frame *);

	    void set_ranges(plottable *g, axis *x, axis *y);
	    void draw(plottable *g, frame *f, terminal *t);
	    void draw_sample(const length &, const length &, const length &,
			     const plottable *, terminal*);
	    bool draws_sample() const { return true; }
	    graph_drawer *clone() const;
	    void prepare_for_draw(plottable *, frame *, int count);
	    int req_components() const;
	    bool draws_points() const { return false; }


#ifdef __MAKECINT__
#pragma link off function operator<=(vector<blop::color>&,vector<blop::color>&);
#pragma link off function operator<(vector<blop::color>&,vector<blop::color>&);
#pragma link off function operator>=(vector<blop::color>&,vector<blop::color>&);
#pragma link off function operator>(vector<blop::color>&,vector<blop::color>&);
