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Graph drawer

Graph drawing styles
A graph in blop is simply a set of data. In order to draw it, one has to interpret the data of the graph somehow: which column is the x coordinate, y coordinate, etc. This is done by the graph drawer objects, which (by overwriting the virtual draw function inherited from their base class grap_drawer) specify how a graph should be drawn. To be able to plot a graph, one has to associate a graph drawer with it, that is, to set the drawstyle property of that graph.

The graph drawer classes are all in plural form (for example lines, points, cboxes, etc, except the histo graph drawer).

Graph drawers can interpret the data stored in graph as they wish (they decide which column is to be interpreted as x-coordinates, y-coordinates, errors, labels, etc). Accordingly, they require the graph to have different number of columns. In the following descriptions the number in parenthesis shows this number. The following graph_drawers exist currently:

lines (2)
The 1st and 2nd columns are interpreted as x- and y-coordinates, and the graph is drawn with lines connecting the given points. This style uses the linecolor, linewidth and fill properties of the visualized graph. If the fill property of the graph is true, the area surrounded by the lines will be filled (with the fillcolor of the graph as well.
Empty lines in the datafile between data blocks will cause the continous line connecting the datapoints to be broken at this place. If you want to avoid this, use the break_line(bool) member function: plot("data.dat").ds(lines().break_line(false));
The plot on the right was created with the following command:
plot("<< 1 1\n 2 4\n 3 14\n 4 4").ds(lines());
points (2)
1st and 2nd columns are interpreted as x and y coordinates, the graph is drawn with symbols (or points). This style uses the pointsize, pointcolor and pointtype properties of the graph.
The plot on the right was created with the following command:
plot("<< 1 1\n 2 4\n 3 14\n 4 4").ds(points()).pt(triangle());
spoints (3)
1st and 2nd columns are interpreted as x and y coordinates, the graph is drawn with symbols (or points). Column 3 specifies the size of each point as the multiple of the pointsize property of the graph (for example a number 2 in the 3rd column sets the size of that point to 2-times the pointsize of the graph). This style uses the pointsize, pointtype and pointcolor properties of the graph. The initial 's' stands for 'scaled'.
The plot on the right was created with the following command:
plot("<< 1 1 1\n 2 2 2\n 3 3 3\n 4 4 4") .ds(spoints()).pt(triangle());
cpoints (5)
1st and 2nd columns are interpreted as x and y coordinates, the graph is drawn with symbols (or points). Columns 3-5 specify the color of each point (red,green,blue). This style uses the pointsize and pointtype properties of the graph. The initial 'c' stands for 'coloured'.
The plot on the right was created with the following command:
plot("<< 1 1 1 0 0
         2 2 0 1 0
         3 3 0 0 1
         4 4 0.5 0 0.5").ds(cpoints()).pt(ftriangle());
dots (2)
This is the ideal drawstyle for scatterplots. At every (x,y) point a tiny dot is drawn. Much more effective than for example the points drawstyle (which draws the given point as a complicated object, resulting in large output files) The drawback of the dots style is that its size can't be scaled. It is the smallest dot, which the output medium can produce.
splines (2)
1st and 2nd columns are interpreted as x and y coordinates, and a spline (a continuous smooth line which goes through all points) is drawn (width and color determined by linewidth and linecolor of the graph). If the fill property of the graph is set to true, no line is drawn, but the area below this spline is filled with fillcolor of the graph.
An empty line in the datafile will cause the spline to be broken at that point. If the graph is filled, the area will also contain horizontal empty gap at this point. The plot on the right was created with the following command:
var data = "<< 0 1
               1 3
               2 4
               3 9
               4 7
               5 6";
histo (2)
Draws the graph as a histogram. Uses the linewidth and linecolor properties of the graph. If the fill property of the graph is true, it fills the histogram (the area below the histo) with fillcolor of the graph.
The plot on the right was created with the following command:
         1 1
         2 4
         3 9
         4 7 ").ds(histo());
bars (2)
Draws the graph with bars: the position of the bars is specified in the first column (x), and the height (y) of the bars in the second column. This accepts (optional) additional specifications in parentheses, which are the width of the bars, and the offset (see below). These values default to 4*MM and 0. E.g. you can write:
plot("datafile1").ds(bars(4*MM, -2*MM));
plot("datafile2").ds(bars(4*MM, 2*MM));
This draws 4 mm wide bars. The bars for datafile1 are offset by -2 mm, the bars for datafile2 are offset by 2 mm, so they are just put next to each other.
The plot on the right was created with the following command:
var data = "<<
      1 1 3
      2 2 2
      3 3 1
      4 4 -1
      5 5 -2";
plot(data ,_1,_2).ds(bars(2*MM, -MM))
                 .ac(red) .legend("");
mplot(data,_1,_3).ds(bars(2*MM,  MM))
labels (3)
Draws the labels specified in col. 3 at (x,y) positions specified in columns 1 and 2. The alignment and angle (and optional offsets in the horizontal and vertical direction) can be specified in parentheses appended to labels. They default to central alignment, 0 angle and offset. The example below puts labels centered in both directions, rotated by 10 degrees, and shifted by 2 and 3 mm in the horiz and vertical directions:
     .ds(labels(sym::center, sym::center, 
                10, 2*MM, 3*MM);
The default values are: sym::center, sym::center, 0, 0, 0
Single values can also be adjusted with member functions:
   labels::xoffset(const length &xoff);
   labels::yoffset(const length &yoff);
   labels::offset(const length &xoff, const length &yoff);
   labels::angle(double ang);
   labels::xalign(sym::position xal);
   labels::yalign(sym::position yal);
   labels::align(sym::position xal, sym::position yal);
For example
The plot on the right was created with the following command:
        1 1 \"one\"
        2 2 \"second label\"
        3 3 \"third label\"").ds(labels());
yerrorbars (4)
syerrorbars (3)
xerrorbars (4)
sxerrorbars (3)
xyerrorbars (6)
sxyerrorbars (4)
Errorbars are drawn in either x (xerrorbars, sxerrorbars), y (yerrorbars, syerrorbars) or both (xyerrorbars, sxyerrorbars) directions. The initial 's' refers to 'symmetric', which means that the errorbar is symmetric, therefore it requires only one additional number (the error: E), and the errorbars is drawn between value-E and value+E. Otherwise the lower and upper values of the errorbars must be provided (2 numbers). X and y coordinates are taken from columns 1 and 2. If errorbars on the x value have to be drawn, the next (or next 2) columns are interpreted as errors of x. If errorbars on the y value have to be drawn, the next (or next 2) columns are interpreted as errors of y.
The plot on the right was created with the following command:
     1 1 0.1
     2 4 0.4
     3 3 0.2
     4 4 0.3").ds(syerrorbars()).legend("");

By default, points with x y coordinates lying outside of the frame, or the range specified by xmin(), xmax(), ... etc of the graph are not drawn. To change this behaviour globally, call somewhere the static member function
All graphs plotted with the errorbars style after this point will be effected. Or, to change the behaviour only for one graph, say for example:

By default, the errorbars are not clipped, because this could be sometimes misleading. To change this behaviour globally, call the static member function
Or, to change it only for one graph, say for example:

xticlabels (N+1)
yticlabels (N+1)
xyticlabels (N+2)
This style requires another style (drawer) to be specified in parenthesis, for example:
The graph is drawn with the provided style (in this example points), but additionally tics (and tic labels) are drawn at each point on the x- or y-axis. N above refers to the number of columns of the graph required by the given style (in this case points). The additional one or two columns are interpreted as the labels to be drawn at the axes.
The plot on the right was produced with this command:
      plot("<<1 5   \"May 01\"
              2 7   \"May 02\"
              3 10  \"May 03\" ")
         .ds(xticlabels(bars())).legend("Consumed beer");
csboxes (5, 4 or 3)
The name stands for 'colored-scaled-boxes' (or whatever you wish...). The 1st and 2nd colums are interpreted az x/y values. The value in the 3rd column is displayed using a color. If a 4th column is present, it is displayed by the size of the box in the x-direction. If no 4th column is present, the 3rd column is used. The 5th column (if present) is displayed by the size of the box in the y-column. If absent, the same is used as for the x-size.
This drawstyle expects a fairly regular 2D grid of datapoints. By default, this data grid is scanned to determine the cellsize of the data (that is, the smallest difference between two neighbouring datapoints along the x- or y-direction). For large datasets this might be time-consuming, and also in other cases you may want to set it manually. You can do it using the dx(double) and dy(double) member functions:

A color-bar on the right hand side will indicate the colors used to represent the values. To control this behaviour, use the following functions:
  • color_range(double min, double max) - defines the value-range (in the 3rd column) to be represented on the colorscale. By default the full range is used (i.e. between the minimum and maximum of the given data values). Outlier values can be either skipped or displayed with under- and over-flow colors, see below.
  • operator()(double min,double max) - equivalent to color_range(min,max).
  • color_range(const color &start, const color &end) - defines the color-scale to extend 'linearly' between these two colors. i.e. if black and white are given, than the smalles value will be represented by black, and the largest one by white.
  • skip_outrange_color(bool) - skip (do not display) points which have a value (in the 3rd column) outside of the above-specified range.
  • underflow_color(const color &c) - do not skip the outlier points, but display them instead with this color. Analog function if overflow_color(const color &).
  • underflow(const color &), overflow(const color &) - set the color to display all those values which are outside of the displayed range. Calling this will automatically set skip_outrange_color(false).
  • color_samples(int) - set the number of color samples in the color-legendbar.
  • color_logscale(bool) - log10 of the value is used to determine the color.
  • color_title(const var &) - Set the title of the color-legendbar on the right side.
  • operator()(color (*p)(double,double,double)) - set the function which determines the color based on the value. Its first argument will be the value itself, 2nd and 3rd arguments are the value limits.
plot("<<0 0 1   1   0
        1 1 0.8 0.8 1
        2 2 0.5 0.5 2
        3 3 0.3 0.3 3").ds(csboxes(black,white));

Setting fineness of color bar: Use the color_samples(int) member function to set the number of samples on the color bar (by default on the right of the frame). It is by default 80:

cboxes (3)
The name stands for 'colorboxes'. Coloured boxes are drawn at the x and y coordinates provided in the first two columns. The colour represents the value (3rd column) at this point. This drawstyle is a specialized version of the above-mentioned csboxes, so in principle all of its member functions are useable here as well (those which make sense at least....)
The upper plot on the right was produced with this command:

The color legend: There is a color-bar (a 'legend') on the right of the frame, indicating the colors used to represent numerical values. If several graphs are plotted within the same frame with such drawstyles, that use colors to represent values, they will all share the same color-legend. The color-legend will adapt its range such that all the graphs using it will fit in it. Look at colorlegend to learn more about this.

Switch on/off colorsamples: use the legend(bool) member function to switch off/on the sample bar:


Title: the title to be shown next to the legend (colorbar) on the right side can be specified by the 'title(...)' function, as shown in the black-white figure on the right side. Example: plot("...").ds(cboxes().title("This is the title"));

Define minimum and maximum z-values: The z-range (which is represented by the color) can be specified either in the constructor, or via the parenthesis operator; examples: plot("filename").ds(cboxes(0,10)); // constructor plot("filename").ds(cboxes()(0,10)); // use () operator on object

Logscale for z: the z-value can also be visualized by colors on logscale. The 4th figure on the right was created by the following script:


Value to color mapping: The default value-to-color mapping can be overridden by the user either by specifying a start- and end-color for the value-range spanned by the 3rd column of the graph (in which case the z-range is 'linearly' transformed into the color-range spanned by the start/end) or by specifying a function. To specify the colors corresponding to the minimum and maximum values, provide them in the constructor or in the parenthesis operator. The second figure on the right was produced with this set of commands (using constructor):

This example below specifies both a z-range (using the constructor) and a color-range (using the parenthesis operator): plot("...").ds(cboxes(0,10)(white,black));
To use a user-specified function for the value-to-color mapping, write this function as a C/C++ function, and put it into the parenthesis operator. (NOTE that if the value is represented on a logscale, this custom value-to-color mapping function will receive the log10 of the values!!) The 3rd figure on the right was produced with this set of commands:
color quantize(double val, double min, double max)
    // quantize the value into 4 values
    double d =(val-min)/(max-min);
    if(d < 0.25) return yellow;
    if(d < 0.5 ) return green;
    if(d < 0.75) return blue;
    return red;


Binning in the x and y directions: In order to figure out the boxsize, this drawstyle has to loop over all data point pairs, to figure out all possible differences between x and y values. This is an O(N^2) procedure, which can be very slow for large amounts of data. Fortunately, during the read-in of a data graph (dgraph), or the sampling of a function-graph (fgraph), blop automatically observes if the data sample is ordered; in this case only neighbouring data points are compared, making the process O(N).

If you want to specify the binsize (different from the automatic method), say this:


When a graph is drawn with cboxes style, these coloured boxes usually cover the axis tics, and the grids (if grids are drawn). The cboxes style can automatically bring the frame and/or the grids to the foreground. To switch these options globally, use the static
cboxes::default_frame_foreground(bool) and
functions (for example in the BLOP_USER_INIT() function in your ~/.blop/bloprc.C file). All subsequent plot commands will then be effected. To switch it only for one graph, say for example:
By default, the frame is automatically brought to the foreground, but the grid is not.

Setting fineness of color bar: Use the nsamples(int) member function to set the number of samples on the color bar (by default on the right of the frame). It is by default 80:


Under/overflow: Use the underflow(color&) and overflow(color&) member functions to set the color of out-of-the-range values. If these colors are not set, then out-of-the-range values are ignored by default, unless the skip_outrange(false) member function is called:

  • plot(...).ds(cboxes());
    out-of-range points are skipped
  • plot(...).ds(cboxes().skip_outrange(false));
    out-of-range points are displayed with the color corresponding to the minimum/maximum of the color-range
  • plot(...).ds(cboxes().underflow(black));
    values less then the minimum are displayed by black, values higher than the maximum are skipped
sboxes (3)
The name stands for 'scaledboxes'. Scaled boxesare drawn at the x and y coordinates provided in the first two columns. The size of the box represents the value (3rd column) at this point. The plot on the right was produced with this command:
First the x and y values are scanned to determine the minimal distances dx and dy between them. Once this is done, these dx and dy values will be used as the 'binsize', and the maximal z-value (3rd column) will be represented by a box of this size. The dx and dy values can be explicitely specified by the user also, in which case they will not be determined from the data. This is useful if the x/y values are not on an equidistant grid, or they do not fill up the whole grid:
By default the minimum and maximum box sizes correspond (almost) to the range spanned by the z-values in the 3rd column of the graph. In order to explicitely specify these limits, provide them in the constructor or use the parenthesis operator on an already constructed object:
plot("filename").ds(sboxes(0,10));   // or equivalently the next line:
mosaic (3)
You will love this! This is to plot a 2D value-map (as for example cbox does), but in an arbitrary parametrizatioin in the plane. That is, the cells, which are filled with a color to represent the value in the 3rd column, are not boxes now, but have a form adapted to the parametric coordinate system. That is, the 2D plane is covered by areas of different shape: mosaics, hence the name. This is the only drawstyle, which does not interpret the data provided in the graph as x/y (cartesian) values, but as parameters. Since finally everything is drawn in the cartesian coord system, this drawstyle needs to know the parameter->xy mapping function. For example if your data (in a file, for example) contains 3 columns: (r,theta,value), then plot it with this command:
The two functions in the argument list provide the (r,theta) --> (x,y) mapping. The mosaic drawstyle does the following:
  • scans the input data for the discrete values of the parameters (always cols 1 and 2) to figure out the stepsize/cellsize in the parameter space for each datapoint
  • scans the input data again, and for each point (p1,p2,val) it takes a 'rectangular' cell around (p1,p2) in the parameter space, and - using the mapping function - maps this cell into another cell in the (x,y) space. The borders of this cell in the (x,y) space follow the p1=const or p2=const lines.
  • fills this mosaic with a color representing the value in the 3rd column

The plot on the right shows the quadrupole field 2*x*y, in a cartesian (2*x*y), polar (r^2*sin(2*phi)) and hyperbolic (2*v^2) parametrization. Code to produce this plot

    mpad &f = mpad::mknew(1,3);,1);
    // hyperbolic parametrization: u=-0.5*ln(y/x), v=sqrt(x*y)
    // x = v*exp(u), y = v*exp(-u)
    // 2*x*y = 2*v^2
mosaic_polar is a special case of this drawstyle, with mapping functions predefined to the polar parametrization

By default, mosaic assumes that the parameters are provided on an equidistant grid. It calculates the smallest difference between adjacent parameter values, and this will be used as the box size around each (param1,param2) value. By this way, one can skip parts of the parameter space. If this approach is not appropriate, use the fixdp(false) member function: plot("filename").ds(mosaic(...).fixdp(false)) In this case the whole parameter space will be covered, box sizes around a (param1,param2) point will be calculated as the midpoint to the adjacent (param1,param2) value.

bands(4), xbands(3), ybands(3)
A filled band is drawn. In the case of bands, columns 1,2,3,4 are interpreted as x1,x2,y1,y2, the band is drawn between (x1,y1) (x2,y2) points. In the case of xbands, columns 1,2,3 are interpreted as x,y1,y2, and the band is drawn between y1 and y2 as the function of x. In the case of ybands columns are interpreted as x1,x2,y, and the band is drawn between x1 and x2 as the function of y. The fillcolor property of the graph is used as the color.
The plot on the right was produced with this command:
This style draws isocurves of a surface. One can either plot data or functions with this style. The style isolines needs 3 columns, interpreted as x, y (position coordinates), and z (the value to be plotted). The plot on the right was produced with this command:
One can set various properties of the plotting style as usual. A few examples are shown below.
// isolines are calculated on a logscale

// draw isolines at the specified values

Equidistant lines, specifying stepsize: In order to draw equidistant isolines with a given distance, use the step(double stepsize, double val=unset) function. Here the second (optional) argument specifies a value, from which the steps are calculated (for example step(1000,5) will use isolines at ...,-995,5,1005,2005,...)

Specifying min/max values (range): To draw isolines only in a given range, use the min(double) and max(double) member functions: .ds(isolines().min(100)) (this accepts values only larger than 100)

Switching off value-labels: In order to not print the isovalues onto the isolines, you can switch them off: labels(false);

The labels printed on the isolines (by default the isovalue itself) can be specified by the labels(var lab1, var lab2, ... var lab10) member function. For example:


Positioning labels: By default, the labels along the lines are positioned using an algorithm, which tries to put them rather apart from each other, and from the edges of the frame. This can be changed using the center_labels(bool) member function, which will try to position the labels at the centers of the lines:


Specifying colors: The subsequent colors used to display the isovalues can be specified by the colors(col1,col2,...) member function:


Note that this drawstyle can be used to plot curves defined by a constraint. For example if F is a function of x and y, then the curve defined by the constraint F(x,y)=0 can be plotted as

This method can be used as a visual root-finding of equations.

This is how one can set the format of the labels on the isolines (printf style). The default is "%g".

Draws a vector field. It requires 4 columns, the first 2 are interpreted as x/y values, the 3rd and 4th colums are interpreted as the vector x/y components. The .norm(8) function in the example below sets the normalization of the vectors (a vector with length 8 would fill one cell of the data grid).
To change the arrow style, one can use different arrowheads. The default arrowhead is arrowhead::simple:

Further member functions (to be called as .norm(...) in the example above):

Specifies the position of the vectors. The value of f can be: sym::begin, sym::end or sym::center, meaning that either the beginning, end or center of the vector is placed to the (x,y) point. Default value is sym::center.
Specify the minimum length of vectors (shorter than this will be skipped)
Normalize to v, that is, a vector of length v will fill one cell of the data grid
Clip the plot at the frame boundary (do not allow arrows to extend the frame)
.arrow(const arrowhead &)
Specify the arrowhead of the vectors
.arrowlength(const length &)
Specify the length of the arrowhead for the maximum value. The arrowhead for the shorter vectors will be scaled down if the scale_arrow(true) was specified
.arrowangle(const length &)
Specify the angle of the arrowheads
Wether the arrowhead should also be scaled as well (and not only the length)
Use also color to visualize the length of the arrows. If it is not set, the linecolor of the graph to be drawn will be used.
.use_color(const function &)
Specify, what function of the datapoints should be used as a color-key. By default it is the length of the vectors, that is, sqrt(_3*_3+_4*_4). Be sure, that if this function uses arguments larger than 4, then the graph must also have the corresponding number of columns. Using this function automatically switches on using the colors.

Color legend:
A color legend is a 'ruler' (typically on the right side) showing a range of colors, together with a scale of numerical values, to indicate the numericalvalue-to-color mapping. The cboxes, csboxes and occasionally the vectors drawstyles use it.

If a frame has several graphs plotted with such drawstyles (i.e. which use a colorscale to represent numerical values), they very intelligently share the same color legend on the right side, and the color legend will adapt its scale such that all graphs fit in it. The user typically does not have to care about it.

However, the user might want to share a color legend among several graphs. The simplest way is to share colorlegends based on a name:

    mframe &f = mframe::mknew(2,1);  // create a multiframe

    // no colorlegend 'mylegend' exists yet, so it is created and named

    // since the colorlegend named 'mylegend' already exists, that
    // will be used and shared
Another example gives more control to the user about where to put the colorlegend, access to the colorlegend itself, etc:
    mpad &p = mpad::mknew(3,1).width(2,2*CM);  // create a multipad, the central one having a fixed 2CM width

    // Change to the rightmost pad, and create a color-legend
    // specifying the color-sample width, and positioning it to the
    // center of the pad,1);
    color_legend &l = color_legend::mknew().sample_width(3*MM).xcenter(0.5);

    // now plot functions, and set the color-legend for them,1);

Line styles:
(hopefully) every graph drawer, which draws lines when drawing the graph, will use a solid, dashed or dotted line, depending on the linestyle() property of that graph.

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