There is currently one mailing list
, which can be used for
- Questions (why this or that does not work, how to do this or
that, etc).
- Bug reports (blop crashes if I run this or that script, it
produces bad output, etc)
- Feature requests. Normally I implement those features, which I
am using in my daily work, or which come to my mind as being useful,
in general. However, I definitely need feedback from others.
- Any other suggestions. The earlier you do this, the more
probable that your suggestion will be accepted. Changing something,
which has been used for a long time by many people is problematic.
This point includes amongst others: suggestions to change
function/class names, change design concepts, etc. For example if
you find yourself often having problems due to mistyped names,
because in your mind calling something by that name would be much
more consequent or resonable, don't be shy to tell it.