#ifndef __BLOP_PDF_H__
#define __BLOP_PDF_H__

#include "blopeps.h"
#include "var.h"

namespace blop
    /* A terminal class to produce pdf files */

    class pdf : public blopeps
	typedef blopeps base;

	std::string opts_;

	std::string filename_;


	// ================================================================================
	// the static 'print' function to print the current canvas into
	// a file (provided as the first argument). This terminal actually
	// first creates a 'blopeps' file, which is then transformed into
	// a pdf file using the script 'beps2pdf'. The second argument
	// of this static 'print' function specifies the command line args
	// for this 'beps2pdf' script. Say 'beps2pdf --help' to get a list
	// of available options (and their meaning :-)

	static void    print(const var &filename, const var &opts = var(""));

	// ---------- constructor, destructor  --------------------------------------------

	pdf(const var &filename, const var &opts = var(""));

	// this function is not to be called by the user
	void picture_end();

        static std::string filename_extension()  { return ".pdf"; }

