For help
Blop's help system is HTML-based, and it is the same as what you can find at its home-page You can look up a desired keyword in the documentation by typing help("keyword"); at your blop> prompt (interactive session), or typing blop -h keyword at your shell prompt. This will do the following things:
If you provide an initial '?' character, the search will be forced (the following keyword will be searched in the whole documentation). For example: help("?canvas");
If the help index file did not contain your keyword, and your keyword was not found in any of the other docfiles, a messages stating this will appear in your terminal (where you issued the command).
In order to browse this file you will need a HTML-browser. Blop is intelligent enough to look for quite some known HTML browsers installed on your machine (kfmclient (load into default kde browser), firefox, mozilla, gnome-help-browser, lynx, less, cat), in this order. When a helpfile is to be displayed, these commands are tried in sequence, until one of them succeeds. Blop tries to figure out if you are using a graphical terminal from the existence of the environmental variable DISPLAY. If this variable is not set, the graphical browsers will not be made available, only 'lynx' and 'less'. To specify your preferred HTML-browser as the help viewer for blop, you have can do this:
There are some specific 'topic's:
You often find yourself not running blop interactively, but
instead, writing a script. Thus, you do not have any running blop
process, but you would like to look for help. It is painful to start a
blop process, type help("something"); and then terminate the process,
etc. Therefore the command line option -h is reserved to make your
life easier: saying
blop -h topic
will do this job
for your.